
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

December wraps up a roller coaster ride of a year, and you survived. Congratulations! It’s time to celebrate the adventures, laugh about the mishaps, and commit to your well-being in the next year. Venus shines in your sign from December 4-29, filling the holiday season with delight. Venus is the planet of beauty and relationships, but self-love lies at the root of all Venus themes. Do you love yourself enough to relax and enjoy time off for the holidays? Can you listen to your body’s cravings and needs without judging them? Make it your mission to let your heart lead you into the new year.

Mercury is retrograde from December 12 to January 1. The communication planet offers a retrospective of the life experiences that led to exponential growth. Retrograde cycles let us reexamine the past, which can mean running into distant friends or relatives. Relationships that begin during Mercury retrograde have a fated quality. When we reconnect with an ex-lover or distant friend, we don’t want to build expectations for the relationship's future. We want to go with the flow and take things slowly.

Your finances are a priority for the first part of the month, and the Sagittarius New Moon on December 12 tills the soil to plant new seeds. Tie up accounting, pay down debt, and finish financial tasks before adding anything new to your workload.

Thanks to Venus in your sign and Mars in compatible Capricorn, your love life heats up all month. You may be drawn to online dating or social events to meet other singles. Create heartwarming holiday memories with your partner if you're in a relationship. The Cancer Full Moon on December 26 gives you access to various emotions; keep your heart open.

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