March Horoscopes

Welcome to one of the better months of the year. We’re moving forward in our lives and in the world. Can you believe we’re celebrating the anniversary of COVID lockdown? It’s been a whole year. March 20 is the start of a new astrological year when the Sun enters Aries. Are you ready for a new chapter of your life? I hope so! It’s coming.

With all planets moving direct (until April 27), we are in a much different place than we were at this time last year. We’re seeing all that 2021 offers us, and we have some hope. March’s astrology shows we’re at a midpoint between the past and future. We find new ways to preserve the traditions that have not yet lost their usefulness while continuing to let go of the things we no longer wish to hold. We embrace change and seek ways to integrate the past and present. 

The month begins with the Sun in Pisces, and this is the time for releasing the past. On March 20, the Sun moves into Aries, and we take a step forward. We could see some restrictions lifting or feed the travel bug again. It’s also a time when we’re thinking about what we can manifest next. What’s new on our journey? Take bold steps forward, despite any residual fears leftover from 2020. 

At the beginning of the month, delve into dreams, gain awareness about life’s mysteries, and be open to mystical experiences. The Pisces New Moon on March 13 gives us a surge of creative energy that we’ll feel compelled to express. We’ll also be led to forgive others and ourselves. It’s a time to embody compassion.

The Libra Full Moon on March 28 features Chiron, suggesting we can heal and nurture the most sensitive parts of ourselves. You might feel more inclined to support others, too. With all planets moving forward, we might expect healing by way of moving toward the life we want, and not by excavating the recesses of our psyches. Face your fears, limiting beliefs, and self-doubt. Envision a new life that fills you with excitement! Then, take one step at a time toward that life with enthusiasm. 


April Horoscopes


February Horoscopes