Samhain/Halloween Ritual

Halloween is always a sacred time of year. It’s the pagan new year - Samhain- and a time when the veil between the worlds is thin. Our ancestors and loved ones in spirit are close to us, ready to offer guidance and support. Many cultures have holidays around this time centered on reconnecting with those who have passed as a way of moving forwards with those who are still here. 

It’s a time to let go— to clear space in your life for a new beginning. It’s a powerful moment to set intentions and consult divination tools, like tarot, runes, or astrology, for guidance about the next steps to take in your life.

This Halloween is especially significant. On Saturday, October 30th, Mars, the planet of passion, assertiveness, and motivation, moves into Scorpio, its own sign by traditional rulership. So, we start this holiday with a little extra fire and motivation to release the old and embrace change. Saturday also features the Sun squaring Saturn. We’ll see what skeletons we’re keeping in our closet that are keeping us stagnant and afraid of deeper commitments to ourselves and others. As we reach Halloween, we are urged to let go of those fears.

On November 4, the sun moves closer to an opposition with Uranus, shining light on areas where innovation is called for. The Sun is activating an ongoing Saturn/Uranus square which has similar symbolism to Halloween- highlighting a tension between the traditions and beliefs of the past with the pull of progress for the future. 

This Halloween is a time to do rituals of release. The Virgo Moon makes it a favorable time to purge, clear, and declutter. It’s also a time to connect with the earth - go outside and have a bonfire! Burn and banish your fears, doubts, and frustrations. 

Mercury in Libra is in a favorable aspect with Jupiter in Aquarius, making it a time for new insights and ideas. Also, for spirit communication or honoring the dead.

Finally, Juno and Venus are conjunct in Sagittarius - we want to connect with others in deep relationship, but we also need our space and freedom. It’s a real challenge to have both at one time.

I recommend getting together with friends to celebrate in ritual.


Halloween falls on a Sunday, the Sun’s day. Gold is the color of the Sun. Light a gold candle. Burn incense like cinnamon, frankincense, or myrrh. Pine or cedar work well, too, for clearing. 

Hold a stone or crystal in your palms. Send anything you’re letting go through your palms into the stone or crystal. Soak the rock in a bowl of salt water. As you do, keep focusing on letting go. You can bring in your spirit guides to help! Then, after a while, bury that stone outside somewhere. Pour the salt water into the ground. Imagine what will grow in your life as you clear space for something new. Blow out the candle and give thanks to your guides and magical helpers.

Here’s what to release for each sign:


Let go of one morsel of anger. Breathe in peace, exhale frustration. As you do, imagine reclaiming your power and taking it back from the situation that left you frustrated in the first place. 


It’s hard for you to let go because you see the value of things, people, and especially, presents. Look at the gifts you’ve received over the years. Is there one you’re holding onto out of guilt? Something you don’t like but are keeping because you think you should? Let that go, and you create space for more gifts and goodness in your life.


Think about your day-to-day work. Is there busywork you can let go of? Something that you do because you’re really resisting doing something else? Let go of something you can delegate or stop doing altogether. What’s wasting your time? Let. It. Go! 


Be willing to forgive someone for something that happened in your past. Let go of a resentment or grudge you’ve been holding. Dig deep to find it if you need to. We all have them- no judgment here. Let it go. You might also forgive a situation, like a natural disaster or something unexpected or unpredictable. 


Declutter at least three things from your home. Make sure they’ve got some emotional weight to them. Maybe they’re a gift from an ex or something you’ve inherited that you never liked. Or something broken taking space in your home. Sell them online, give them away, or toss them out. Feel free in the process! 


Accept at least one thing you cannot change. Perhaps it’s another person’s wants or desires. Maybe it’s an ongoing and frustrating dynamic in a relationship. Think about your life. Is there anything over which you feel you have no control? Let that go. Practice radical acceptance.  


If you’ve been holding financial fears or if you’ve been concerned about your ability to earn an abundant life for yourself, let that go. Reflect on all financial worries and realize they’re untrue. Libras can have a hard time setting boundaries, and this extends to finances. So, let go of an extra expense to symbolize that commitment to honoring your budgetary boundaries. Is there a subscription you don’t need to keep? 


Self-criticism. Let that go! If you’ve been harsh about your appearance or holding guilt for something you’ve done in the past, practice radical acceptance and focus on self-love.  


Fear. Let go of one fear. We all have subconscious fears lurking in the shadows of our psyches. Let go of yours. First, though, go excavate it. Think about what you most want to control in your life. Then, identify the fear associated with that need for control. Let it go! 


It’s Halloween, so we can talk about energy vampires — people who seem to have a lot of drama in their lives and want to bring you into it. You don’t have to let go of those relationships. Just let go of your availability to listen to it. Let go of your fascination with it or your desire to be the hero/heroine in someone else’s story.


Do you have an inner Debbie Downer? An inner naysayer who plays the part of the reality police? Let it go. Possibilities are endless, and magic is real. Believe that things can change for the better because they do all the time. Let go of doubt. 


Relationship woes, unfulfilled fantasies, or regrets. Do you need to hold onto things that make you sad? Sing the song from Frozen and “Let it go!” You’re right where you need to be, and your path is a gift- every step of your path. See it as a grand adventure and embrace all aspects of the past. 



November Horoscopes


October Horoscopes