May Horoscopes

April’s catharsis breaks us open, pulling us from overthinking and scheming to attuning to our soul’s wisdom found in the heart center. We will have a new mindset and renewed attitudes by the time Pluto stations retrograde on May 2

The Taurus New Moon on May 7 features a sextile aspect to Saturn, indicating we can tap into a healthy root system and grow to reach new professional or spiritual heights. As the Moon conjoins Uranus, plans could change suddenly, forcing you to make last-minute adjustments. Consider every mistake or snafu a call to adventure, and see what those inconveniences can teach you about yourself. 

This lunation is happening at 18˚ 02’ Taurus, and the Sabian Symbol is a new continent rising out of the ocean. The theme of this symbol relates to stabilizing and rebuilding after a time of deep emotions. I have lived in areas affected by flooding, and it’s incredible to see how communities rebuild from the wreckage. So, too, we know the potential of what our lives could become and redesign our daily activities according to those prospects. Mercury is conjunct Chiron in the chart of the New Moon, suggesting we can learn from life’s challenges and grow in resilience. We can also refuse to accept imbalances in relationships or unhealthy circumstances. The influence of Mercury in Aries gives us the power to say no

On May 15, Mercury enters Taurus, and our thoughts turn toward practical matters. Borrowing the flood metaphor, we are in a time similar to mopping the floor after the water dries. However, we could expect more surprises as the Sun meets Jupiter on May 18, allowing us to be recipients of the universe’s blessings. Generosity feels grounded, whether we’re showing or receiving it. Are you open to allowing these blessings into your life, or does fear make you doubt your deservedness? The influence of the Taurus Sun allows us to look in the mirror and see our inherent value. Then, it asks us to reconsider our priorities. If we don’t accept or love ourselves fully, we may prioritize others’ wants or needs over our own. Conversely, if we don’t value the people in our lives, we may prioritize ourselves to the detriment of intimacy in our connections.

On May 20, the Sun enters Gemini, and the Sagittarius Full Moon on May 23 lets us pivot into a new chapter in love if we’re willing to forsake the need to control outcomes. Venus and Jupiter are conjunct at the 29th degree of Taurus and sextile Neptune at 29˚ 30’ Pisces. The anaretic degree holds tension. We’re on the precipice of change, yet our progress may be momentarily suspended. We will especially feel this in our relationships and finances, as Neptune’s influence shows us the distance between our dreams and reality. Is your life what you thought it would be? If not, start making spiritual adjustments through meditation or prayer. All manifestations begin there, with intentions. 

Jupiter enters Gemini on May 25 and will remain in the sign of the twins until June 9, 2025. Jupiter’s expansiveness meets Gemini's communication, intellect, and curiosity. Our minds will yearn for new insights and ways to express them. We will want to learn, write, teach, and travel. 

Gemini, an Air sign known for its witty demeanor, multi-tasking mind, and adaptability, is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, learning, and the intellect. This transit ushers in a time when we could be more social. We also might find ourselves interested in new hobbies or subject matters. If you're considering taking courses or attending workshops, you could find it hard to resist the urge. 

May closes with Mars conjunct Chiron on May 29 and Mercury conjunct Uranus on May 30. Mars awakens our inner protectors, illuminating ways to advocate for ourselves or others. Mercury’s influence suggests we don’t have to hold a megaphone; we can be creative in challenging adversaries. We may encounter scenarios that resemble events in our childhood, giving us an opportunity to confront a bully or react to a conflict in a more empowered way.


Jupiter in Gemini