
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

Were you raised to believe hard work is the only path to wealth? Venus says it's all about relationships, beginning with your relationship with yourself. Venus is retrograde a financial sector of your horoscope, making it a time of economic and career reflection. With finances, you learn essential lessons in the relationship between love and money. Do relationships feel transactional? Reimagine them according to what your heart desires – no less. Consider this at the Leo New Moon on August 16, and set intentions.

Opportunities flow as you let go of your need to know the outcome of confusing circumstances in your life. Mercury goes retrograde on August 23, meaning you don't need specific answers; learn to enjoy the spaciousness of uncertainty. It's a magical time.

Two Full Moons bookend this month, making it more emotionally revelatory. The Aquarius Full Moon on August 1 emphasizes finances, while the Pisces Full Moon on August 30 highlights intuition. Let your guiding inner light direct your steps through the fog of the retrograde season. The Virgo Sun is friendly and gives you the gift of organization. Your mind is sharp, and your words are poetic. Share your creative vision with others.

It is a month for planning and preparation. It is also a favorable time to finish projects. The Leo New Moon on August 16 asks you to do some soul-searching. Explore the library of your psyche to file through memories and glean insights about relationship dynamics in your present-day life. You could stumble upon a lost-and-found section there and reclaim an aspect of yourself you thought you had lost. Happiness? Innocence? Freedom? The only way to know is to turn within.

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