
Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

You will make your mark -- it's your destiny. This month energizes your resolve. Pluto entered Aquarius on January 20, starting a revolutionary time of change in the world and your life. While change might not be your area of expertise, it is a time to reconnect to your talents. Start by leaning toward what's loving you. Pluto's interested in the magnitude of your offering; it's the passion you feel when doing what you love. The Aquarius New Moon on February 9 opens gateways to purpose. 

You know better than most that change is incremental and takes time. Mars meets Pluto on February 13, generating heat that could propel significant movement. Change will still happen whether you stand still or sprint towards it, so move at your own pace on that day. Remember this if you feel frustrated or grow impatient. 

Speaking of love, Venus will be moving through Capricorn until February 16, adding a bit of earthy sensuality and romance to your Valentine's Day. Stability and comfort are paramount for relationships; settle into a deeper bond. If you're single, focus on friendships at the end of the month when Venus in Aquarius helps expand your network.  

The next day, February 17, starts a time of significant growth and transformation for you until February 21. Emotions run high during periods of transition. It's such a time for you. Do your best to remain curious about all the new things entering your life. Once the Sun moves into Pisces on February 18, the focus shifts from personal growth to community engagement. Your curiosity makes you more receptive to others. Finding creative and engaging ways to be in community will lead to recognition and fulfillment. 

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