
Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

Have you written a holiday wish list? If not, ritualize the experience by sending your requests to the universe. Magical processes often start with intentions, and the more consciously we set those intentions, the more we aim our focus to fulfill them. Dream big and let the universe conspire to assist.

On December 12, Mercury, your ruling planet, goes retrograde. During this phase, our shadow sides come into play, making misunderstandings feel more personal. Our sensitivities are heightened, which could lead to hurt feelings at the end of the month. You don't need to worry, however. If you keep a lighthearted approach to the season, you can breeze through with more laughter than tears.

The Sagittarius Sun shines on your family life, making this a sacred time to reconnect with distant relatives or show your loved ones how much you care. The Sagittarius Sun amplifies our generosity, making it a time when giving feels more joyful than receiving. Born under the sign of service, you're a giving person. How can you be more generous with yourself this season? Embrace your self-love language by saying positive affirmations, spending quality time doing something you love, or treating yourself to a massage.

On December 21, the Sun enters Capricorn and shines light on your creative endeavors. Dedicate at least five minutes daily to feeding your ideas and dreams. The Cancer Full Moon on December 26 asks you to remember the importance of humor and play. This lunation heightens our emotions at the end of the month, and you can be the one who lightens the tone, helping infuse holiday memories with laughter. This message is crucial if you've felt stuck or had a creative block. Return to the innocence of your childlike self and experience the world anew.

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