Jupiter Pluto Conjunction

On April 4, Jupiter conjoins Pluto for one of the most significant transits of the year. This is the first of three exact conjunctions we'll see this year. (The other two will be on June 30 and November 12.) This transit happens every 13 years, and we last experienced it in December 2007. That time, it was in Sagittarius. This time, it's in Capricorn.

The last time this transit happened in Capricorn was in 1771. Then, there were major quarantines in Russia to stop the spread of the Bubonic Plague that took between 52,000 and 100,000 lives.

What was happening in your life at the end of 2007 and the beginning of 2008? This transit will reflect themes that were present for you then. 

Financial Shifts

What was happening in the world? The financial crisis began in 2007 with a depreciation in the subprime mortgage market. On the day Jupiter and Pluto conjoined, the Fed lowered its discount rates to help alleviate the strain on banks and other financial institutions after the credit crunch. The Fed instituted the Term Auction Facility program to supply short-term credit to banks with sub-prime mortgages. This was the beginning of the financial crisis, and the efforts to rebuild led to changes in the financial industries. Pluto moved into Capricorn a couple of months later and began to transform banking and finance - Capricorn industries. 

We could see similar themes with this transit. If we didn't finish clearing corruption within our corporations and governments, we could have another round of lessons to learn about these matters now. Because Pluto is associated with debt, this is where we'll see some corrections. We could be looking at transformation in personal debt or small businesses going into debt as a result of the Coronavirus. Perhaps even debt forgiveness programs or ways to assist people who are having a difficult time paying debts because of the financial setbacks of the current crisis. 

This is not a time to take on debt if you don't have to, but it could be a good time to consolidate or refinance. Have your financial priorities in order, and be realistic about what you can afford/spend during this time of economic flux. 

Social Change

When Pluto comes into contact with a planet, it seeks to transform and transmute any associated matters. Jupiter, on the other hand, tends to magnify any planet with which it comes into contact. Together, these two call out anything that needs adjusting, correcting, or remedying. Have hope in our ability to work together to rebuild our society! This transit wants to help us do just that. 

Jupiter relates to justice and the law, and this transit helps to inspire social change to build a more equitable society. It's time to give back and contribute in whatever ways you can to support this effort. 

We're likely to see a metamorphosis in Capricorn-related industries, like banks, finance, government, and corporations. We'll likely also see changes in Jupiter-ruled sectors, like religion and religious institutions, higher education, travel, international business, and faith. At this time, we could get real about the losses we've incurred throughout this pandemic. We could even see some market fluctuations as we navigate another bumpy patch of this current COVID-19 storm. 

On the plus side, We could see solutions for making travel safer, improving learning through technology, and coming together with other countries. 

Become Your Own Guru

We will also see people claiming to have prophetic messages coming out into the mainstream as well as a rise in conspiracy theories. They may sound good and accurate, but you'll want to be aware of blindly following without trusting your own intuition and sensibility. 

Jupiter and Pluto conjoined in 1994 and 1995 in Scorpio, and we saw a rise in cult leaders who led their followers into suicide or violence around that time. Although there were a few other astrological happenings at that time supporting this activity, we could see similar incidents with this transit. 

Because Jupiter is the planet of faith and beliefs, this transit signifies a time of awakening. Because we're moving more into the collective ideals of the Aquarian age, now is a time to embrace your intuition, become your own master, and follow your heart's leading. That means becoming your own guru. 

Social isolation has shifted how we gather in faith communities. It's making our individual and familial spiritual practices more critical than ever. The Jupiter - Pluto conjunction will strengthen this inner work throughout 2020 and make a difference for future generations. 

What do you believe? Now is the time to unpack your beliefs and discover which ones no longer serve you. Discard those old, outdated ideas, and allow yourself to think of your faith with a beginner's mind, open to all possibilities. Be in a place of exploration right now to make the most of this time. 

Remain Cautiously Optimistic

The Jupiter - Pluto conjunction inspires faith and gives us a glimmer of hope. This influence is a do-not-give-up influence, but sometimes, you have to go through doubt to arrive at faith. Faith is the keyword this year. When you lose faith, you can fall into despair or fear. Have faith in your ability to weather any rough patches and make conscious life decisions. 

Jupiter isn't happiest in Capricorn, but it is still a benefic planet, meaning its influence supports our wellbeing, expansion, and prosperity. In that sense, it offers hope against all odds for those challenging circumstances in your life. It also helps you manifest desires you've had for a long time. 

As a collective, we're entering into a renaissance period with innovations in education, the arts, religion, business, and more. This transit shows us our highest potential, individually and as a society, and invites us to live up to it. 

Many who have Jupiter conjunct Pluto in their natal charts are blessed with financial prosperity and the potential for wealth. They have a strong sense of their power and are often unafraid to live their dreams. Because we're all experiencing this transit, we have the opportunity to do the same. 

Here's what it means for your sign (read your rising sign if you know it):


Accept a new calling or mission in your professional life. Be bold and courageous, connecting with powerful influencers who can act as earth angels, bringing you to a new level. It's a time to be authentic and to overcome any familial pressures to be something you're not. Opportunities could find you - know what you want. 


Learning can be an adventure. Your mind is open to new ideas, and you're ready to reconstruct a new worldview. This is a leap-of-faith moment for you. Though you may usually resist change, now, you're more open-minded to possibilities. This is a time for a spiritual quest, retreat, or travel adventure. Self-discovery leads to greater success. Publishing is also a possibility with this influence. So, it’s time to finish writing your bestseller!


You are learning how to build wealth, but this process requires you to have faith in your ability to make wise investment decisions. During this time, you could become aware of an inheritance or other financial offering. You and your partner could have discussions about how to more effectively share resources during this time of economic stress. Own your power, and manifest more abundance. 


Expect a new beginning in your relationships as well as a deepening of self-love and acceptance. Rather than placing blame or readily identifying someone else's flaws, look carefully at how you're creating the life you're living. What can you do to improve yourself? Competitors or enemies are only reflecting aspects of yourself that may be in the shadows. You're learning to assert yourself in relationships and how to ask for what you need.


It's time to get to work and set a foundation for future success. Adopt new habits to support your goals and dreams. Discipline yourself to stay committed to your wellbeing and prosperity. Health is a top priority this year, and if you have any concerns, have them checked by a medical professional. Tune into your body, develop a greater awareness of your body's messaging system. You'll develop your intuition in the process. 


This transit could be the start of a new creative endeavor. You're overcoming any fears or worries about being more visible and recognized in the world. So, share your talents and express yourself. This transit could also inspire romance, and your senses are heightened. Be sure to stay in integrity - anything out of line could get you in trouble. Starting a family is another possibility here, too. 


It's time to unpack your familial baggage, so to speak, and dig into your personal history. Your home and family are reborn, and you're healing from the past in ways you never thought possible. This is an exciting time, during which you could buy a new home or make a significant transition. You are likely to make a profit through a real estate investment as well. 


Your mind is curious, and you're ready to plunge the depths with research, teaching, or learning projects. It's an excellent time to start a new hobby or learn a skill. Explore your creative side, too. You could become more interested in getting involved with your community and discovering ways to connect with neighbors virtually. In doing so, you're becoming more of a leader. You could also strengthen relationships with siblings at this time.


Overcome financial fears, worries, and doubts. Even if things are tight with the crisis we're in, you could discover surprising new ways to source income. This is a favorable time to start a new side hustle or ask for a raise. Value yourself and your skills. You have a lot to offer the world, and it's time to feel abundance in return. Seeing a financial coach or therapist could help if you've been struggling.


Since this is happening in your sign, you're in a major life transition. Your eyes are open to discovering changes you need to make to live a more authentic, expansive, and abundant life. Be courageous, and take steps forward. Ground yourself through self-care practices to stay settled, or you could feel dizzy with all of life's awakenings and changes. You're in the process of ascension, rising to a new understanding of your power. Keep moving forward - unstoppable. 


You are in a more reflective time, unpacking all of life's mysteries. Honor that process, and do some soul-searching. Journal, meditate, and draw oracle cards for inspiration. You're accessing your intuition now more than ever, and it could be coming out in your dreams. This is a mystical time, but you want to stay balanced. Protect your health and wellbeing by limiting negativity. You're extra sensitive to it. This is an excellent time to learn and grow. 


If ever there was a time to rise into leadership, it's now. You're coming into your power and letting go of fear in the process. Old wounds of betrayal, rejection, or abandonment are healing miraculously on their own. You have a new resolve to make your life what you want it to be, without fear of judgment. See an expanded vision for your future and walk boldly into it. 



Astrological Signs of Big Change


Saturn in Aquarius March 21, 2020 - March 7, 2023