June Horoscopes

We start the month during eclipse season (the two weeks between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses) and Mercury retrograde. Together, these influences give us the feeling that we are on a journey of spiritual enlightenment— one that takes us back into our past and helps us make sense of the events that shaped the trajectory of our lives.

We might recall times during which we felt we had no voice or we didn’t trust ourselves. The eclipses on May 26 and June 10 highlight the Gemini/ Sagittarius access line. The North Node in Gemini suggests that we need to be telling our story. We want to write that book, start that podcast, and share our knowledge with others. But in doing so, we have to be mindful of what we’re saying and how we’re saying it.

Are your words and ideas grounded in truth and experience? We will all be clear about what’s authentic and what’s not. Anyone can take someone else’s words and ideas and reshape them to make them sound their own, but authenticity rises to the top. You have to live your message. It is true whether you are talking about something as simple as the weather or you’re talking about philosophical concepts.

In our personal lives, we are becoming more aware of the power of our stories. You can retell the stories of your past to change your experience experiences of suffering or trauma. I think this is what the Gemini North node invites us to do. To tell our stories even if we haven’t fully made sense of them all ourselves.

Because we start the month in the Gemini/ Sagittarius eclipse season and during Mercury retrograde, these are all things we’re going to be thinking about – and we will be thinking a lot! Gemini is an air sign. It is the sign of communication, thoughts, ideas, and raw information that has not yet been disseminated. So, we’re going to get a lot of static from conversations and from news stories we hear. Our goal this month is going to be taking it all in and trying to separate what’s true from what’s false.

Adding to this, we have the big transit of 2021 and the overarching theme — Saturn square Uranus— making its second exact square on June 14. The first one happened on February 17, and the last one will take place on December 24.

Saturn, the planet of structure, foundations, and the past, challenges Uranus, the planet of invention, electricity, and the future. What we are seeing with this transit is our reflection on our past, being aware of what beliefs and ideas we need to disrupt and dismantle, while also envisioning new ways of being that aren’t clearly grounded because they’re still being imagined. As a result, we’re questioning everything about ourselves, our knowledge, our truth, and maybe even our relationships. It’s important to be curious— not to be rigid.

These things are happening in fixed signs after all. Saturn is in Aquarius and Uranus is in Taurus. We’ll see extremes in both tradition and progress. This is why it’s important to invite conversation. It’s also important to have fun!

That brings me to Mercury retrograde. Mercury is retrograde until June 22 in the sign of Gemini. Mercury rules children, and in Gemini, its own sign, playfulness is a strong feature. If we’re taking things too seriously or getting bogged down into too many of life‘s frustrating details, we need to slow down and relax. We have to remember that play is extremely important. In all species, play is a form of learning. And isn’t it true that when we’re hanging out and having fun, ideas emerge? We learn and grow as much through play as we do through productivity. So, if your computer slows down or your phone breaks, rather than rushing to get it fixed, think of it as an invitation to take a break.

The Solstice on June 20 introduces a new season as the Sun moves into Cancer. Solstice and equinox points are high-power days when the Sun enters a cardinal sign and stirs us to take action in our lives. Because we will be in a retrograde cycle for most of the month, you might feel things are moving slower than usual. At the end of the month, it’s an excellent time to connect with family for a reunion or to revisit travel plans that might’ve gotten canceled last year.

Jupiter is still on the sign of Pisces, giving us some optimism and helping us think about making moves. In fact, you might be considering making a move as the Sun in Cancer reinforces the importance of having a home base that is both supportive of all you’re creating in this world as well as a place of respite.

The Full Moon on June 24 punctuates these themes. The Moon in industrious Capricorn highlights our ambition and desire to make a contribution to the world, while the Cancer Son reminds us that we can only branch out as far as our root structures will support us. Those root structures are our families, homes, and heartfelt connections. So, we need a blend of introspection and outward expression leading into the end of the month.

Read your horoscope below…


July Horoscopes


Jupiter in Pisces