March Horoscopes

The astrology of early March prepares us for the meaningful life changes that will come later in the month with the March 25 eclipse and then two weeks later with the Solar Eclipse on April 8.

With all planets going direct, we are moving forward in our lives. We feel momentum as Mercury enters Aries on March 10. The Pisces New Moon at 20˚ Pisces 16’ occurs later that day, offering us the gifts of inner vision and insight. The Sun and Moon square Uranus, making this an unpredictable lunation.

At the beginning of March, we feel swells of excitement and confusion. Jupiter edges closer to Uranus. Though their conjunction will not perfect until April, we intuitively sense what it might mean for us throughout March.

The Sun, Neptune, and Saturn shine in Pisces, and their influence asks us to let go and trust our inner wisdom. Commit to your spiritual practices and allow your imagination to work through art, music, or any other expression you like.

We will need tangible ways to focus our creativity around March 17, when the Sun meets Neptune. Otherwise, we could drift into emotional waters and lose our center in the swell of feelings.

The Moon meets the North Node in a conjunction on March 19, several hours before the Sun enters Aries that day. As the equinox approaches, we learn the power of integration – the kind we see on the yin-yang symbol where equal parts, black and white, form a whole circle. When we balance polarities, we are more powerful creators and shapers of our destinies. Allow that to be your theme throughout March, and you could have the opportunity to celebrate your or others’ successes.

On March 25, the lunar eclipse in Libra asks us to harmonize differences, and we’re more attuned to the discord in our lives. The eclipse is cathartic - it generates the momentum for change. Aries is the sign of protecting our boundaries, and the Sun’s movement through this sign could lead us to hold up shields to keep others out. The Libra Moon, however, wants to soften those boundaries enough to be curious about where others stand.

The eclipse chart features a conjunction between Mercury and Eris, suggesting it’s a time to use our words and share our ideas. We don’t have pressure from others to hold us back, and it’s a time when courage is easy to access because our passions are on the rise.

At the end of the month, Mercury is in its pre-shadow phase before stationing retrograde on April 1. Tie up loose ends, communicate from the heart, and be willing to listen to others. You are learning something new to support your journey into a new season of the year. You can feel the potential of this time, and hopefully, you have moments of awe as you connect with what it means to be alive on this planet at this time.

Read your horoscope —>


April Horoscopes


February Horoscopes