
Leo (July 23 – August 22)

April brings opportunities for seismic change as life circumstances stretch your ego beyond its comfort zone. The month starts with the Aries solar eclipse on April 8 – a fiery influence that prepares you for change. You are prepped to create something magnificent, following your heart's urges. The eclipse offers an awareness that lets your ego take the backseat to your heart’s desire. You’re ready to create something remarkable if you can pursue what genuinely moves you.

The highlight of the month is April 20, when enthusiastic Jupiter meets electrifying Uranus for a transit full of surprises and possibilities. This transit drops confetti in your career sector, making it a time for celebration. No matter what happens, something new is about to begin. Your future is calling. The universe sends you a wake-up call, steering you toward a path filled with more inspiration than ever imagined.

Mercury is retrograde from April 1-25, making it a month of more intense emotions followed by nostalgic interludes. You’ll especially feel this if you plan a pilgrimage to see the total eclipse. 

The Sun's ingress into Taurus on April 19 brings a grounding influence to the end of the month. This phase calls for balancing work demands and the need for rest. 

The Scorpio Full Moon on April 23 presses the pause button, urging you to slow down and savor the present moment. Enjoy time outdoors with loved ones, deepening familial bonds and cultivating new expressions of love. I’m not suggesting it’s an easy lunation, but moving through heart-pumping experiences opens you to connection in an otherwise isolating time. After all, the North Node, Chiron, and Mercury in Aries can encourage self-reliance and fierce independence.

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