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Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

Being a cardinal sign, you have initiative and drive. So, you might grow impatient with the step-by-step path you must take to arrive at a desired destination. This month’s astrology carries you into the space between realms where the future is the past and the present. You have already set intentions into motion with your thoughts, feelings, and prayers. Now, focus on the present moment and give your all. If you feel frustrated, shift focus, relax, and enjoy where you are. 

Mercury is retrograde from April 1 to 25, and it casts a reflective light over your career. Back up your computer, upgrade outdated technology, and proofread all correspondence. It's an excellent time to revisit unfinished projects or reconnect with colleagues from the past. Latent dreams could come into your awareness as possibilities to reconsider. After April 25, you’ll know whether to pursue those aims. 

The Aries Solar Eclipse on April 8 kindles transformation, offering the opportunity to initiate a fresh start in your career. This eclipse's energy, along with Mercury retrograde's reflection, suggests you’re in gear for purposeful living. Once you’ve awakened, there’s no going back; you will keep growing despite the discomfort.

The Jupiter-Uranus conjunction on April 20 brings exciting developments and sudden insights. This cosmic happening may coincide with expanding your social circle. You could brainstorm or launch projects with others in a group. Embrace flexibility and stay open to the unexpected.

The Scorpio Full Moon on April 23 stirs deep emotions and helps bring personal revelations. Romance is a predominant theme, especially if you stay open to imperfect love. After all, it’s the only kind we can have in this human experience. 

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