
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Buckle your seatbelts, Libra. April takes you on a ride through the canyons of past relationships, down the dark tunnels of your fears, and along the shores of your longings. Ready for the adventure? Embrace the changes leading to a more radical experience of harmony – one anchored in the security you feel when you strengthen your boundaries.

Mercury retrograde brings up memories from the past (from April 1-25). The Aries solar eclipse on April 8 hands you an invitation to live an unapologetic life while maintaining the delicate dance of diplomacy that defines your communication style. 

The solar eclipse meets up with Chiron, the mentor. How can past experiences of hurt, loneliness, or disappointment teach you how to love more deliberately? This influence helps catalyze a new beginning in your personal and professional partnerships. It’s a time to focus on cultivating relationships that reflect your true self and support your growth.

Mark April 20 on your calendar as a day of inspiration. As Jupiter meets Uranus in the heavens, a sudden breakthrough or unexpected opportunity could change your belief in magic. You may receive financial news, learn of a partner’s career opportunity, or have a spiritual breakthrough. Embrace the wonder of this transit, knowing it can help guide you to a quantum leap. 

The Sun’s move into Taurus on April 19 ushers in a period of grounding, art, and sensuality. The Scorpio Full Moon on April 23 brings your focus to finances, with attention on the emotional and spiritual aspects of prosperity. This Full Moon illuminates the need for discipline in spending and dedication to a long-term financial goal. Embrace your willingness to ask for support if needed; you are not alone. 

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