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Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

Change is in the air, and we all sense it. Breathe easy; you are ahead of the curve. You've been on a cathartic journey of spiritual growth, which started in 2008 and has intensified in the last three years. Though the ground beneath you may still seem unsteady, keep the faith. Jupiter in Taurus helps stabilize your life.

Pluto re-enters Capricorn on June 11, which may resurface a familiar and challenging dynamic related to finances or relationships. You may recall a situational self-abandonment. If circumstances repeat, stand strong. Ground yourself in the knowledge and wisdom you've gained. You are capable of seeing the silver linings of even the darkest clouds.

The Sagittarius Full Moon on June 3 can shine a healing light on a health challenge. If you've had questions about a condition, you could receive a diagnosis around this time. With the Sun moving through Gemini until June 21, you'll reflect on what habits, priorities, and dreams to carry into your new solar year.

The Gemini New Moon on June 17 invites self-compassion and acceptance. Saturn stations retrograde that day, calling you to relinquish regrets and grudges. You've grown in your power; don't let anything diminish that.

The Cancer Sun brightens your life, revealing previously obscured desires. Mercury enters Cancer on June 26, improving commerce and communication. Mercury animates your mind, even if you need a break. (I encourage you to take one!)

You're in a period of fertility and growth. It's the perfect time for planting seeds, both literally and metaphorically. Whether it's initiating a new project, fostering a relationship, or nurturing personal growth, the conditions are optimal. It's your season. Align yourself with this abundant energy and make the most of it.

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