
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

Think of yourself as a ballet dancer this month, moving in ways that stretch and strengthen you. While it may be uncomfortable from your perspective, you appear graceful and at ease to others. The Full Moon shines in your sign on June 3 and draws people into your life to aid you in bringing ideas to life. Can you stretch your mindset to accept generous offerings? Keep this question in mind in those rare moments you feel a lack of financial well-being or love.

The Sun in Gemini (until June 21) illuminates aspects of relationships you may not have considered. Are you ready to commit to someone you love? Is it time for a recommitment to a long-term partner? If so, the Gemini New Moon on June 17 offers an opening to experiences of love.

Venus enters Leo on June 5, inviting social or romantic adventures. You’re experiencing a change of perspective, and because things change so fast, you’ll want to act on your intuition. Take it one step at a time. Romantic love is a focal point under this influence. Mars also in this fire sign, adds passion, making it a favorable time to take a vacation or enjoy a break from your routine.

Pluto retrograde moves back into Capricorn on June 11, and it’s a time to revisit your financial history and set goals related to where you’d like to be. As you grow more powerful, you become a better attractor for wealth and opportunity.

The Sun moves into Cancer on June 21, and it helps dredge up unfiltered grief, pain, or resentment. You have a choice: let these energies hold you in a still position or live into a new, liberated future. Look closely at what emerges, for these revelations—however challenging—carry the seeds of profound growth.

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