Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):


You feel alive when exploring new horizons. You'll be pleased to know this month gives you extra space to dream, envision, and plan an adventure. Saturn in Pisces stations direct on November 4, cutting some ties that have held you in the past. Your soul-searching journey is about to take a turn. As Mercury enters your sign on November 9, it asks you to stay loyal to your truth. So, take the time and space. Dream.

Venus shines in Libra after November 8, gracing your social life with invitations. As the Sun shines in your sign at the end of the month (after November 22), your charisma could attract friends and lovers. Who are those people who lift you and cheer you on? Connect with them for an extra boost. You've been through a catharsis and are almost ready to tell your story. Wait for the Sagittarius Sun to step into the spotlight. That's also a time when you have more energy at your disposal. What better way to kick off your birthday season than by receiving appreciation for the gift you are to the world?

On November 11, Mars opposes Uranus, making us all feisty and ready to act. Despite this surge of energy, we want to be mindful of the ripple effect of this transit. Anger can grow to a boiling point, and we could feel pushed to act impulsively. Find healthy ways to channel any heated emotions.

Mars enters your sign on November 24 and motivates you to act on behalf of a goal or idea. Mars can fire up our ego, an excellent influence for competition. However, be careful not to drive too fast, watch your step, and exercise caution in general.