Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):


As the Sun shines light from your sign this month, it amplifies your courage. The astrological Sun represents our conscious will, the spark of desire. How will you channel the glow of positive energy? With Saturn in Pisces, you might launch a creative endeavor, especially something related to media or entertainment.

We start the month with Mercury in your sign (until November 9), indicating mental acuity. It's an auspicious influence for making plans and ironing out the details. Professional opportunities could appear out of the blue, but you may need to wait to finalize them. Remember to stay mellow if you encounter delays.

The month's transits highlight your personal life. One of your gifts is your ability to hyper-focus on what inspires you. If your career doesn't take center stage now, trust that priorities shift as planetary cycles move. Everything unfolds in its proper time and season.

Mars moves through your sign until November 24, and you could be bursting with energy but limited by time. If so, focus on your meditation practice, especially on November 11, when Mars opposes Uranus, triggering a deep-seated desire for freedom and change. Take the time for a self-care activity, like an afternoon at the spa or a morning hike.

The Sun's ingress into Sagittarius on November 22 inspires a lighter tone. It draws you into compassionate conversations and tender moments with loved ones. It also illuminates the way forward in financial matters, revealing previously hidden paths and new income possibilities. You may have insights about how to shift priorities, and the Gemini Full Moon on November 27 signals a breakthrough. Let go of fear and allow your innate curiosity to guide you towards a new chapter in your life.