December Horoscopes

Happy Sagittarius season! And happy holidays, too. I'm writing this during Thanksgiving weekend and feeling so much gratitude for you and for the incredible sessions we've had recently! Wow! It seems like we're in a new level of collective consciousness, and as a result, our sessions have gone to places I've never seen them go before. It's amazing -- YOU'RE amazing!! 

December is going to be an interesting month! I see it as the calm before the Capricorn "storm" we're headed for in January as we gear up for the Saturn/Pluto conjunction. In fact, this is a month to realize what really matters.

The Capricorn energy is pushing and driving you in ways you may not even realize. It's making you feel a gentle nudge or great big tug (!!!) from your spirit guides and higher self. (I feel you, Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn Sun, Moon, and Rising signs.) It's time to step into your purpose in a big way. This comes with excitement and pressure. Like a soldier about to step onto the battlefield for the first time, you've been training for this for a lifetime. Now, it's time, and you've got this!

If you've felt down, depressed, or discouraged, know you're not alone. TBH, I've been there myself. A wave of heavy energy is upon us, but we are of the light. Those of you who are lightworkers or sensitive to energy may feel this stronger than others. You cannot succumb to darkness! (Well, you could, but why would you?) Transmute that s#!t! Turn it into fuel to drive you to make the most out of your life! Live your potential. This is the time to do so. Who better to do what you dream of doing than YOU?! So, consider this your pre-Capricorn pep talk. After all, it's Sagittarius season, and you have more hope and faith at your disposal!

As the month starts, you might feel a change in the air. A new vibe begins as Jupiter enters Capricorn on December 2. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, philosophy, and belief. It’s the planet that rules faith. Where it transits indicates how our societal beliefs and philosophies will shift throughout the 12 months it’s in that sign. It’s been in the sign of Sagittarius, the sign Jupiter rules. Hopefully, you’ve felt an expanded sense of possibility in your life over the past year. Now, Jupiter moves into steady, practical Capricorn. This is the sign of industry, institutions (like government and religion), and economy. It’s a get-real-kind-of sign. A focus-on-the-next-step and stay-the-course sign. Over the next year, luck will come through disciplined effort. Your hard efforts will pay off. And you may learn to have faith in yourself above all, and in your ability to accomplish your goals. You’ll start to see these themes play out in your life this month.

This month starts with the Sun in Sagittarius, arguably the most optimistic sign. This influence allows us to see the best in others and ourselves. With a combination of planets in Sagittarius and Capricorn, we have a good balance between faith and reason. It’s an excellent time to set your New Year’s intentions and outline practical steps to reaching your goals.

The Gemini Full Moon on December 11 (PST - DEC 12 EST) is a social one! Enjoy spending time with friends and loved ones. Try to see the best in those who you find irritating, and lead with compassion. Neptune’s presence means to uphold your boundaries and resist the urge to gossip. If you talk about people harshly, remember the universe can hear. That energy you send out into the world comes back threefold!

On December 21, the Sun enters Capricorn, and we head into the energy that predominates in 2020. The Sun will join Jupiter on December 27, showing us what’s possible for the New Year.

A Solar Eclipse on December 25 (PST - DEC 26 EST) highlights all the themes we’ve seen in our collective throughout 2019. It will close the year with a bang! It will also help us catch a glimpse of what we might expect around January 12. Take note of anything happening in your life. This is a time to see with 2020 vision, which will be a theme for you next year.

Wishing you a very merry holiday season!! Sending you so much gratitude and blessings for a peaceful close to 2019.


Jupiter in Capricorn


Earth Air Fire Water - The Elements