The Astrology of 2023


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This year, I’ve decided to set priorities instead of goals or intentions. What do I value? How will I divide my attention and energy? If we’ve learned anything since 2020, it’s that life surprises us. Magic lives in those unexpected twists and turns. 2023 starts with quiet reflection and ends by deepening our understanding of peace. We have maximum co-creative potential in the middle of the year and can spark huge shifts in our collective consciousness. It’s exciting to think of all the good we can do with the power of our minds.

It will be important for us to remember how powerful we are in affecting change in our lives and the world. Otherwise, we might miss an opportunity.

Each year, when I look at the upcoming transits and consider the year’s numerology, I like to identify a few key themes. For 2023, it’s:

  • Healing

  • More being, less doing

  • Reimagining power

  • Renaissance

  • Peace-making

I’ll start by painting some broad brush strokes about these items, and then I’ll go into more detail about the specific astrological signatures of the year.



The numerology for 2023 adds up to 7. (2+2+3 = 7) Seven is a reflective, spiritual number. It’s the number associated with introspection and healing. Think about the energies of 2014 and 2005, for example.

We’ve lived through a collective trauma, and we need to pull back and reassess our needs in light of the devastation and losses we’ve endured. 

Saturn enters Pisces on March 7, providing us with a systematic approach to healing and innovations in healing modalities. We’ll see a restructuring of our healthcare industry over the next two years as we understand more about how well-being is holistic.

The lunar eclipse on May 5 falls in Scorpio's sign, which takes us deep into the hidden aspects of our unconscious and creates the right conditions for transformation. We don’t need to change our lives through suffering; we can open and allow grace to flow through.


More Being, Less Doing

Pluto is making its way through the last degrees of Capricorn, and it will dip into Aquarius this year, showing a preview of its next 20-year cycle. Capricorn is an industrious, goal-oriented sign. It’s the sign I associate with Capitalism and corporations. As Pluto enters Aquarius, it will shake up our priorities and ethics involving big business. The result will be more of an emphasis on our human worth and less on our economic value.

Saturn in Pisces adds to the flavor of this transit. Saturn, the planet of responsibility, enters the sign of mysticism the same month Pluto enters the sign of oneness. We are in a cultural reset, re-evaluating how we think about labor, workers’ rights, and compensation. This movement started in 2021 with the Saturn/Uranus cycle, and it’s building momentum this year.

Anyone born with Saturn in Pisces will be teaching us a thing or two this year!


Reimagining Power 

Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, and we entered a global economic crisis. We learned that some banks were deemed too big to fail and that corporations had more rights than others in America. Occupy Wall Street raised awareness about the painful economic disparity that exists in our country. Bitcoin was started in response but had a path paved with volatility. Through it all, we uncovered the truth about the power of money in our political process, and we watched leaders rise to change the system.

Pluto takes about 248 years to revolve around the Sun. Because it stays in one sign for many years, it breaks down what doesn’t work about the sectors represented by that sign. It’s no surprise Capricorn represents the banking and finance sectors. It also represents hierarchical systems. We haven’t seen the last of Pluto in Capricorn! Expect shake-ups and shakedowns, as we saw in 2008. Also, expect leaders who’ve behaved badly to face the consequences, as we’ve seen with Harvey Weinstein.

As Pluto enters Aquarius, we understand different facets of power systems and dynamics. Aquarius is the sign of the individual within a collective whole. It’s the sign of oneness, which means a reimagining of power, government, and what leadership means.

Aquarius is known as the sign of progressive change-making, and the last time Pluto was in Aquarius, we saw the French and American Revolutions. This year, we will see the beginning stages of another revolutionary period.



You’ve probably seen the Internet memes that read After the plague came the Renaissance. They were meant to offer hope during the pandemic. However, they may foreshadow things to come.

We live in an astrological time like the Renaissance, and Saturn’s move into Pisces offers us tremendous movements in the arts. At the same time, Pluto’s dip into Aquarius brings technology to the forefront of our imagination.

We will find ways to make technology more accessible, allowing artists, leaders in all sectors, and entrepreneurs to implement innovative ideas. We’ll marry technology with the arts, and sustainability will be a big feature of Pluto’s time in Aquarius. 

Saturn’s influence is somber, and we feel it in whatever sector it’s transiting. There can even be hardships in those areas. Pisces rules the film and music industries. It’s moving toward Neptune, and they will conjoin in February 2026. We’re on the precipice of major changes in these industries, but we’re not quite ready for a full VR experience, and AI is in its early stages. So, we’re in a strange in-between time as we reach new developments in these industries.

In addition, Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, setting us up for growth and innovation in fashion, design, and food. Expect interesting movements in incorporating natural elements into our homes and wardrobes. We’re moving away from extravagance and leaning toward simple elegance.



The North Node enters Aries on July 12, highlighting the Aries/ Libra axis line. The solar eclipse on April 20 kicks off the Aries/Libra eclipse cycles. Aries is the warrior sign. Its influence asks us to protect what we hold dear. The South Node moves through Libra from July 12, 2023 – January 2025.

This axis line emphasizes independence/collaboration, war/peace, and self-direction/partnership. The eclipses will punctuate these themes, and we could experience loneliness that compels us into relationships, a conflict that reminds us of how good it feels to be at peace or challenges in our relationships that help break unhealthy patterns like codependence.

Through it all, we’re learning about peace, which means expanding our awareness to accommodate contrast without the emotional charge of suffering. It’s acceptance with an impetus to neutralize polarity.

How do we make peace? By seeing beyond binaries and asking, what unifies us? Sometimes, it means fighting to protect and guard what we hold dear until others respect our boundaries.

Notable Transits:


  • Mars Retrograde —> 10/30/22 - 1/12/23

  • Mercury Retrograde —>

    • 12/29/22 - 1/18/23

    • 4/21 - 5/14

    • 8/23 - 9/15

    • 12/12/23 - 1/1/24

  • Venus Retrograde —> 7/22 -9 /3


  • Solar Eclipse —> April 19, 29˚ ♈︎ 50’

  • Lunar Eclipse- 5/5, 14˚♏︎ 58’

  • Solar Eclipse - 10/14, 21˚ ♎︎ 08

  • Lunar Eclipse - 10/28, 5˚ ♉︎ 09

Big events:

  • All planets go direct from Saturn enters Pisces on March 7, 2023.

  • Pluto is in Aquarius from March 23-June 11; then it moves back into Capricorn until January 20, 2024.

  • Jupiter in Taurus from May 16, 2023 - May 25, 2024.

  • North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra from July 12, 2023 - January 11, 2025.

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December Horoscopes