January Horoscopes

January’s astrology starts with Mercury and Mars going retrograde, making it a somewhat confusing and slow start to the new year. If you feel foggy about your direction or unclear how to focus your energy, you’re not alone.

Mars retrograde slows us down and asks us to rethink our relationships to others and to different circumstances in our lives. How do we relate to our career? How is our relationship with money? We can reflect deeper during this transit, knowing the awareness we gain will have a lasting effect after the transit is over.

Mars stations direct on January 12, and Mercury stations direct on January 18. After January 22, all planets are going forward, setting us up for a fast-paced start to 2023.

The Cancer Full Moon on January 6 tugs at our heartstrings. It’s an emotional, nostalgic Full Moon, and it brings us into deep conversations that result in healing.

The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20, and the Aquarius New Moon the 21st stirs up our desire to contribute to the world and do what we can to help others. Venus meets up with Saturn in Aquarius that day, giving us the urge to stay faithful to a goal or relationship. The influence of Jupiter shines on this lunation, and the Moon will move into a sextile relationship with it, allowing us to have hope as we move further into the new year.

Read your horoscope below…


The Numerology of your Year


The Astrology of 2023