
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18):

Your sign has great visionary qualities. It is the Zodiacal guardian of technology, space exploration, and the internet. So this month might feel strange because the Sun is in nostalgic Cancer, and several planets are going retrograde, directing your focus to the past and not the future. It means reminiscing with old friends or re-learning a lesson you thought you had mastered. You'll likely discover nuggets of truth that help clarify questions that have weighed on your mind for years. The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3 calls you into a time of fascination and exploration.

Venus, the planet of love, moves through Leo - your opposite sign - all month before beginning her retrograde journey on July 22. Let's borrow Leo's playful spirit to add levity to relationships, shaking off any undue seriousness. Leo's influence highlights the passions of our heart's connections, making this a time to experience relationships without cool detachment. 

Your romantic relationships could pull you to extremes, especially in the first part of July with Mars at the last degrees of Leo. You can feel the full spectrum of emotions as you solve more complicated relationship questions.

As the Sun enters fiery Leo on July 22, you could feel a magnetic pull towards water - whether a relaxing pool dip or a soothing bath to unwind. Let relaxation work its magic on your mind, body, and spirit.

With Saturn retrograde in your money house, financial prosperity is all about your mindset this month. Commit to making balanced choices from your head and your heart. There's no need for self-sacrifice. It is your time to shine!

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