
Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

Human brains are wired for harmony. Scientists say our auditory nerve fibers perceive when two dissonant frequencies are played together in music, and they stir unpleasant feelings. In music and other areas of life, we crave resolution for dissonance and want relief from tension. Mars enters your sign on July 10, leaving you with a worthwhile task. Harmonize unpleasant aspects of your life, which could mean setting boundaries, clearing clutter, or cutting activities out of your schedule.  

The Sun in Cancer shines on your dreams, inspiring you to focus more on the long-term vision and less on the day-to-day. Connect with others to brainstorm and collaborate, especially at the Cancer New Moon on July 17. This lunation helps you realize the people who will play a significant role in future endeavors. Invite others in.

On July 3, the Capricorn Full Moon illuminates your sector of creativity and pleasure, activating your inner artist and helping you find joy in the simple things. This lunar energy could inspire a new hobby or reignite a passion. Remember, perfection isn't your main objective; it's having fun and enjoying the creative process.

The love goddess Venus will be moving through Leo all month. She stations retrograde on July 22, stirring up buried feelings and bringing hidden aspects of your relationships to conscious awareness. Your openness and honesty can be your guiding lights. 

As the Sun enters Leo on July 22, it starts preparing you for your birthday season. It’s time to cultivate spiritual wellness through meditation, yoga, or long walks in nature. Create space in your life for new intentions to bloom.

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