
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

If life has felt like an episode of Unsolved Mysteries recently, I have good news! This month's astrology indicates clarity and vision. Complications related to health, life path decisions and significant transitions will find resolution, paving the way for decisive action. Steady on through the Cancer season. As the Sun enters Leo on July 22, it shines rays of optimism. Keep the faith—what may feel like a puzzle is more like magic in progress.

The Capricorn Full Moon on July 3 illuminates a tension between the tangible and the abstract. You yearn for a break—a genuine reprieve. However, life's daily chores leave no room for a pause. At the start of the month, prioritize your well-being. Boost your immune system and avoid exhaustion. Fresh ideas inspire your imagination, but you need support. People are a part of your plan. All you have to do is reach out and connect.

As Venus shines in Leo, it casts a flirty and playful glow. Leo, a fellow fire sign, kindles your confidence—one of your most attractive traits. Venus stations retrograde on July 22; for 40 days, your love life could take an unexpected turn, especially if you're single. To sidestep misunderstandings, add a dash of humor to disagreements, and be willing to let go of any need to be right. If a loved one can't see your viewpoint, let the heat of the argument dissipate before advocating for your position. 

The Cancer New Moon on June 17 leads you through a gateway to spiritual truths and insights. You're open to remarkable discoveries. It's also a social New Moon. You're wide awake and available to receive.

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