Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

Scientists understand that a photon of light can act like a particle or a wave, depending on a person's perception. Physicists conducted an experiment that proved even more shocking – the path of a photon isn’t predetermined. The scientist could make a decision in the present that changed the past and the future trajectory of the photon. Our perception shapes our past, present, and future reality. As a Capricorn, you’re wired to be realistic, but 2023 is different. It invites you to behold possibilities that are outside the scope of your day-to-day. It invites you into magical thinking. Thank Jupiter, the planet of manifested dreams, and Uranus, the planet of weird science, for showing you the power you have to change everything in your life… everything. 

Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16, beaming its light in your romantic affairs. The lunar eclipse on October 28 offers surprises, maybe a change in relationship status! Adopt a relaxed approach in any new relationships – don’t worry about the future. Be present to relish every experience. Even heart-heavy times can be fraught with beauty.

Saturn, your planetary guardian, moves into poetic Pisces on March 7. For the next two years, your mind expands to collect new ideas and information, but you’ll learn through disciplined work. If you’ve considered writing a book or developing a workshop, set aside time from April 21 - May 14 when Mercury retrograde pulls you inward. Mercury’s going retrograde in your sign until January 18, 2023, and then it stations retrograde again in your sign on December 12, 2023. You start and end the year with a mini-life review, retracing steps along the path you’ve taken. Think of photons and tell your stories differently as an experiment to see if subtle changes can affect the past and future. 

Your career gains momentum as you access more creativity. Pluto eases some pressure from March 23 - June 11 as it dips into Aquarius. Since 2008, it’s been moving through your sign. Your ego had to die and be reborn over and over again. Now, you’re ready to fly like a butterfly, transformed.

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