
Gemini (May 20 – June 20):

Fasten your seatbelt; 2024 takes you on a wild ride. It starts with this month's whirlwind of energy. Pluto enters Aquarius on January 20, beginning a new 20-year cycle. The dwarf planet briefly appeared in the revolutionary sign from March to June last year. Events unfolding in your life at that time could cycle back. Pluto's influence this year could bring mind-blowing realizations and breakthroughs that give you full access to your power. First, though, you have some zen lessons to learn. Let this month be about chopping wood and carrying water.

Mercury stations direct on January 1, moving slowly until January 20, helping you ease into the year. Communication may be slow, but everyone must adjust to the new energies of the year. Make patience a spiritual practice. The pace picks up after Uranus stations direct on January 26.

After the Sun enters Aquarius on January 20, you could be inspired by others' ideas. The Leo Full Moon on January 25 brings out your inner storyteller and gives you the gift of gab. You could spark conversations with influential people or have meaningful encounters with strangers. Write, read, learn, or teach to maximize the Aquarius air-sign energy.

Career-wise, this month offers opportunities for congratulatory remarks with Saturn moving through Pisces. Be ready to take on new challenges and showcase your skills. Work-related travel is possible at the end of the month with the Sun shining in Aquarius, especially on January 29 when Mars relates to the unexpected Uranus.

You're moving through an empathetic period, and your perceptive abilities allow you to attune to others' emotions, thoughts, or attitudes. This shift in consciousness opens your heart to receive more love.

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