
Leo (July 23 – August 22)

January's astrology indicates daring possibilities – taking one giant leap of faith that shapes your future. Activate the courage to pursue a dream or scream your intentions from the highest hilltops. Mercury stations direct in adventurous Sagittarius on January 1, and it says, "Follow the beat of your heart as you'd dance to the sound of a drum."

You'll have to balance the creative surge with life’s practicalities. The get-serious Capricorn New Moon on January 11 calls you back to the office, school, or gym. It's time to re-adopt any habits you dropped with the busyness of last year. On January 13, Mercury enters Capricorn and acts like an efficiency expert, helping you cut excesses.

The Sun and Pluto enter your opposite sign, Aquarius, on January 20, signaling a period of transformation in relationships. In pursuing love, you have the gift of charisma and don't have to work to attract attention. Relax and allow love to find you. In romantic relationships, you're working through differences and balancing your urge for freedom with your loyalty to your commitments. The Leo Full Moon on January 25 punctuates this theme, and you may need time alone to reflect on the subtle, energetic shifts inside. Every emotion intensifies under Pluto's light – feel all the pain, love, and joy.

On January 26, Uranus stations direct, signifying a welcome period for a career change. Venus and Jupiter shine a light on your reputation, placing you in the spotlight for recognition. Fine-tune your 2024 intentions after January 27, when you're more transparent about what sets your heart aglow. Dream bigger than your comfort zone allows, and don't shy away from claiming your desires.

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