
Libra (September 22 – October 22)

The transiting South Node moves through your sign like a flashlight, illuminating the dark spaces of your psyche and allowing you to see the less attractive aspects of your sign. No longer will you easily succumb to indecision. Nor will you tolerate dimming your light to make others more comfortable. The Aries North Node challenges you to take a stand, live in your truth, and pioneer change!

The Capricorn New Moon on January 11 could stir restlessness. Significant energy shifts are happening this month, and the New Moon prepares you to accept your sacred invitation. Consequently, your heart may beat faster from excitement. Your mind might wander, distracted, especially from January 8 - 10. Keep an organized list of goals for reference in case you need more grounded. Mars in Capricorn signifies outer expressions of frustration or anger. Stay healthy by finding ways to release the pressure.

Venus moves through Sagittarius until January 23, lightening the mood in your romantic affairs. You can gain a more aerial view of your relationships to see how you can better relate. Others may call you a social butterfly, but you're not careless with your charm. Dedicate yourself to strengthening the bonds of your inner circle. The Sun and Pluto meet in Aquarius on January 20, and you'll likely find superficiality a bore. You'll want to exercise your right to say no to plans that distract you from your top priorities. Focus is your keyword this month.

Pluto in Aquarius is a 20-year cycle. We saw a preview last spring from March to June. It's a highly creative and fertile time for you. Pluto shows you the power of your voice, story, and artistry. It also asks you to play! Do you love what you're doing professionally? If not, do all you can to make it more fun.

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