
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) 

Many creative processes start in the dark – seeds begin to sprout underground, embryos grow in the womb, and works of art form in the mind before paint touches the canvas. The falling leaves (in the Northern Hemisphere) symbolize a season of transition as we move toward the darkest time of the year. You might also feel a shift in your life as you move into a new creative exploration. You're shaping and crafting your future, especially your career. Trust the process without growing impatient should things take longer than expected. 

The Sun shines in Libra until October 23, shining its light on your career. If someone approaches with a job prospect, discern whether it fits with your true mission. With tremendous activity in your career sector, including a powerful solar eclipse on October 14, think twice about staying in a rut of complacency or settling for something deeply unrewarding. How do you want to spend your time, and with which type of people? Consider the environment that best supports you. Career changes are likely with the eclipse shaking things up. 

Follow the synchronicities from October 4 to October 21. A period of intensity could lead to a breakthrough. Emotional currents can catalyze change. If you're feeling big swells, call your favorite helpers and cheerleaders to offer encouragement. Your social life is a bright spot at the end of the month, especially after Mercury enters Scorpio on October 21. That spirit carries through to Halloween. Plan accordingly!   

The Taurus lunar eclipse on October 28 draws attention to your love life, awakening your joie de vivre. Interacting with a lover could uncover new insights about patterns of withholding love, but you don't have to stay stuck. Eclipses stir our willingness to change, and that's your opportunity. 

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