
Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Life unfurls new possibilities this month, sparking your curiosity and casting you as the protagonist of a choose-your-own-adventure tale. No matter what you decide, you are being guided and directed. So, trust yourself! Every experience and decision is part of your path of destiny. Does this message sound intense? Dramatic? Embrace it. Let the hope and optimism of this sentiment uplift you. October's astrology promises to expand your horizons. Your mission is to cultivate unwavering faith, especially when the fear of change rises from within. 

At the start of the month, engage in a visionary exercise. Picture your life a year from now. What does that landscape look like? What activities fill your days? What people are around you? Now, ask yourself, what actions today will shape that future? Every dream you nurture now can become tomorrow's reality.

The Libra solar eclipse on October 14 shakes things up. Eclipses have a way of dredging up subconscious emotions. It's a time when people might offer you invitations or opportunities, but remember, you can graciously decline, especially if the invitation involves someone from your past or an environment where you don't feel welcome.

Eclipses often illuminate the facets of our lives that we've outgrown or that keep us from feeling free. You might realize you've outgrown a teacher or, conversely, step into a guiding role. Familial dynamics, especially with siblings, could spotlight areas of tension or unsupportive patterns. Approach these revelations with an open heart and abundant compassion. Let empathy be your compass as you redefine boundaries.

Finally, with all of this dynamic energy, surround yourself with the people who radiate positive energy. Who are your cheerleaders? Your super fans? Your trusted friends? Gather them into a circle of appreciation and let your cup overflow with the love coming your way. Let your heart's capacity grow; love fuels your creativity.  

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