
Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

In the Northern Hemisphere, we're in a season of transition, watching crimson fall to the ground. October promises you more than pumpkin spice lattes or apple pie; it offers hope and courage as you face the transitions in your life. Your ruling planet, Venus, is moving forward, coming out of its post-retrograde shadow on October 7. Your friends, lovers, and family members are moving forward, too. While you often feel like the one standing still, you can feel something stirring within you. Answer that call.

The Libra Solar Eclipse on October 14 shakes up your daily routine, offering you a way to write a more balanced chapter. Mercury enters Libra on October 4, and its influence could help you identify the areas of excess in your life and establish new rhythms for optimal well-being. Be mindful of your health throughout the month, especially from October 14-28. Meet stress with relaxation and frustration with physical exercise. 

Venus slides into Virgo on October 8, awakening your romantic sensibilities. Keep your heart open, but remember, you don't have to promise a commitment if you're not ready. Mars in your opposite sign after October 11 suggests an inner conflict about your individuation needs. Your feelings about love could fluctuate after the Sun enters Scorpio on October 23. Ride the waves throughout the month, but express yourself to avoid emotional stagnation. 

The Taurus Lunar Eclipse on October 28 compels you to respond to internal questions about your future and destiny. Your impulse is to stay the course, but eclipses shake things up and require flexibility. Any surprises could be gateways to remarkable opportunities. Suspend judgment, letting go of the need to know why things happen as they do. Fall into trust. 

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