Leo (July 23 – August 22)

We aren’t born with courage; it is something we cultivate. Fear and courage run on a continuum – it’s only through facing our fears that we become courageous. The past two years have imbued you with courage. Saturn, the planet of hard work and mastery, has been moving through your opposite sign, and Uranus, the planet of radical progress and change, has been challenging your sign.

You've expanded your capacity to welcome life's challenges with a creative mind and hopeful spirit. Today marks a new beginning in all ways. Jupiter, the brightest planet in our solar system,  lends its light to your career from May 16, 2023 - May 25, 2024. Remember, you are the creator of your life experience, and you get to choose abundance over lack, even if you have no control over the global economy. 

The North Node destiny point slides into Aries on July 12, awakening your urge for adventure in business. It could be time to venture into new markets or to work more globally. Push beyond fear. Over the next 18 months, let curiosity lead you to study subjects that have a philosophical or spiritual foundation. The solar eclipse on October 14 in Libra offers a surprising revelation. Research, teach and write, to share your findings with the world. From July 22 to September 3,  Venus retrogrades in your sign. Relationships could feel fated or resemble family dynamics. Sometimes, it takes more courage to stay in a troubled relationship than it does to leave. In standing still, we face the more uncomfortable aspects of ourselves in relationships.

We move through conflict and come out the other side stronger as a couple– as a team. In pinpointing the fundamental reasons why we pull back when others draw close, we can heal wounds of insecurity and lift the shroud of mistrust.  if you have any questions about love this year, look within. Have the wisdom to know what's right and the courage to act accordingly. 

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