Libra (September 22 – October 22)

Congratulations! You’ve scored recognition over the past two years as Saturn transited through Aquarius. Any efforts that felt like a slow, calculated climb finally reach a peak early this year before Saturn shifts into Pisces on March 7. Then, you can coast for a little while. Saturn is the planet of commitment and responsibility, and it presented you with a new role. Now, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. 

Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, shines in your opposite sign until May 16, making it a good time to form partnerships and collaborate with others. You’ll find it easier to work in a team at the start of the year. Opportunities may seem fleeting or intangible, but don’t lose faith! After Jupiter enters Taurus, you gain a better sense of what’s yours for the taking. Fasten your seatbelts from March 23 - June 11. Pluto slides into Aquarius for a brief time, offering us a preview of its 20-year cycle. The dwarf planet of structural power dubs you a social artist. This year and next, you’re learning to redefine power according to your gifts. Hone your relationship genius as a start.

The North Node destiny point moves into Aries on July 12. Who are you without your relationships? You’ll soon find out and deepen bonds with those you love over the next eighteen months. The Solar Eclipse on October 14 punctuates relationship themes, and you could have sudden insights about challenging dynamics. Pay attention to the solar eclipse on April 20 for clues about what’s on the horizon in romance. We often long for what we don’t have, and then, after we manifest it, we want the comfort of what we had before. Don’t wait to appreciate your life. Celebrate it!

Venus goes retrograde from July 22 - September 3, and we become more introspective. Allow yourself to take a break from social activities. Catch your breath before your birthday season begins. The end of the year showers you with gifts as Venus moves through your sector of finances and opposes Jupiter; be cautious with your spending and open to receive.
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