Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21):

Oh, happy day! I want to sing as I start writing your horoscope. It’s your reminder to celebrate the goodness in your life on a day-to-day basis, in the here and now. I promise this works even when we’re at our lowest. Then, share goodness with others! Helping others signals the release of serotonin and dopamine, our feel-good neurotransmitters. Jupiter, the planet of generosity, rules your sign. At the start of 2023, you’re learning the sacred dance of giving and receiving with Jupiter in fire-sign Aries until May 16. 

Romantic relationships play out in a comedy of errors throughout January and March as Mars moves through your opposite sign, Gemini. Maintain your sense of humor if your date is a dud or you feel you’ve pressed the rewind button on your love life. Sparks fly at the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 20, offering a course correct in your romantic life. Understand your need to feel free; it’s a driving force that underlies all commitments. Have compassion for the part of you that needs some time alone, especially from July 22 - September 3 when Venus moves in retrograde motion. 

Home life gets cozier as Saturn enters sensitive Pisces on March 7. You might want to settle down with your partner, and real estate decisions take on a more serious tone. For the next two and a half years, you’ll come to the aid of family members, heal fractured relationships, and dig deep to explore your roots. Saturn shows where we’re doing the hard work, but it always pays off. 

Pluto dips into Aquarius from May 23 - June 11, foreshadowing what will come in 2024. Aquarius is the sign of the individual expressing their unique talents as a vital part of the collective whole. What are your gifts? What brings you joy? Follow these threads of inquiry to discover your next calling. Aquarius is an air sign, making this a favorable time to write, host a podcast, or learn to be a more effective speaker. Your words have power. Grab your megaphone and step out on stage! The world is finally ready to hear your message.

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