Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

“The South Node went through my sign, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt.”  What do you think? Should I start a line of astrological t-shirts for when hard transits leave us lacking a sense of humor? Ha! Last year was a doozy with Mars retrograde, two eclipses in your sign, and Saturn and Uranus tugging in opposite directions. Pressure is an understatement. Does it get better? Is it safe to trust? 2023 restores your hope, helps heal your relationships, and lets you explore business opportunities.

Saturn, the planet of commitment, moves into Pisces on March 7, and for the next two years, you’ll be taking practical steps toward fulfilling your creative dreams. This transit gives you a serious urge to express a core idea or reveal a personal truth, making this an excellent time to write a memoir or start a novel. 

Family relationships undergo dynamic shifts as truth rises to the surface during Pluto’s dip into Aquarius from March 23 - June 11. It offers a preview of a longer cycle that starts next year. Be willing to dig deep into your family’s past to uncover secrets. It’s a time for deep healing, beginning with an awareness of how you are a living embodiment of ancestral patterns. Your growth and development help heal the generation before you and the ones yet to come. 

Relationships are a focal point after May 16, and the lunar eclipse on October 28 offers you a change of heart in a relationship that’s felt strained. If financial worries impede the connection between you and your partner, lean on logical solutions at the start of the year. Mars moves through Gemini until March, making it a time to negotiate a balanced approach to household expenses and long-term investments. Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16, shining a bright light on committed love, but if you try to control the current of energy, it could backfire. Jupiter asks you to trust and wait for invitations.

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