Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

We start and end the year with Mercury going retrograde. Being extra sensitive to the planet of organization, you might appreciate the bookends of reflection in an otherwise dynamic and fast-paced year. Retrograde cycles allow us to recognize the shadow aspects of ourselves. As seeds sprout in the dark, so do our creative ideas unfurl from the dark of our shadow. It holds the hidden truth that unleashes our potential. During retrograde periods we enter the dark and feel our way through until – BAM! The transit ends, leaving us braver, stronger, and more mature. 

Shifting gears, finances are a priority this year. Jupiter moves through Aries until May 16, helping you balance debt, fine-tune your investments, and clarify details about inheritances. Saturn moves into Pisces on March 7, and Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16. They dance favorably in your chart, opening opportunities for strategic partnerships, business expansion, or a call to leadership. The uphill climb you've had with professional pursuits begins to plateau this year in a good place, and Saturn helps you see the fruits of your efforts.

Jupiter shines favorably on you from May 16, 2023, to May 25, 2024. Remember the saying, health is wealth? Keep it in mind in August and September when Venus and Mercury are retrograde. If we don't take time for stillness, sometimes the universe steps in to quiet us down. 

Pluto moves into Aquarius from March 23 to June 11. Aquarius is the sign of community, one area of your life to prioritize. Societal power structures will change, and you can be ahead of the curve by thinking of your team as a tribe. You can be their guiding light. 

Love means commitment this year, and Saturn's move into Pisces refines your ability to love and be loved. Saturn helps you refine your skills to build a life and share day-to-day experiences with someone else. It could mean new business partnerships or romantic relationships. Over the next two and a half years, you will face some of your greatest challenges and joys in this area of your life.

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